It is a comprehensive kit in accordance with national and international standards, used for General Purpose, that is, to safely clean and dispose of all spills.
KIT: It contains general absorbent absorbent materials, personal protective equipment, hazardous waste bags and all materials that provide effective cleaning against oil and chemical spills, leaks and drips and all liquid spills in the bag. was designed.
Tankers & Vehicles, Forklifts, etc. It is an easy-to-carry kit that is mandatory to be kept in vehicles as well as in terms of quick and instant intervention in all small-scale areas.
15 x 40cm x 50cm Chemical Absorbent Pads 2 x Waste Bags
2 x 8cm x 1.20 meters Chemical Absorbent Barrier Sausages2 x Plastic laces
1 x Adjustable Handle Safety glasses 1 x Dustpan & Scraper
1 x Pair of Boot Overshoes 1 x Apron with Protective Sleeves
1 x Pair of Protective Gloves 1 x Schematic Instructions for Use
1 x N95 Respirator 1 x Kit Bag