'' MaGümüş Online Shopping in Turkey, Your Shopping is Under Security with the Quality of the Jewelry Store " MADE OF MINE:925 Sterling Silver PLATING:Silver - Oxide WORKMANSHIP USED:Yerlistone:StonelessChain:60 cm Length Value: 100 TL Foxtail - 5 x 2.8 cmWEIGHT:12,50 grPACKAGING:Special Box,Special BagPACKAGES AFTER PACKAGING 3 Gifts Packaged AFTER PACKAGING DELIVERY WITHIN BUSINESS DAY.
'' MaGümüş Online Shopping in Turkey, Your Shopping is Under Security with the Quality of the Jewelry Store "
MADE OF MINE:925 Sterling Silver PLATING:Silver - Oxide WORKMANSHIP USED:Yerlistone:StonelessChain:60 cm Length Value: 100 TL Foxtail - 5 x 2.8 cmWEIGHT:12,50 grPACKAGING:Special Box,Special BagPACKAGES AFTER PACKAGING 3 Gifts Packaged AFTER PACKAGING DELIVERY WITHIN BUSINESS DAY.